The LifeSpring Foundation of Indiana is a 501c(3) not for profit entity started in 2003 by a small group of dedicated individuals who were concerned about the changing face of mental health care and interested in finding a permanent way to help individuals afflicted with mental illness and/or addictions.  The Foundation’s mission is, “To support the charitable, scientific, health related, and educational enterprises of LifeSpring Health Systems, and other non-profit agencies and individuals.”

The LifeSpring Foundation of Indiana works to raise funds to support mental health and treatment services in Southern Indiana.

The LifeSpring Foundation has a board of volunteer Trustees composed of people who are devoted to helping individuals manage their mental illnesses, overcome their addictions and lead healthier, happier lives.  These dedicated volunteers include:

President – Mr. Vern Eswine
Vice Presidents – Ms. Jennifer Cooper and Ms. Cheryl Seeders
Secretary – Ms. Julie Straight
Treasurer – Mr. Nick Clark
Trustee – Mr. Chris Bottorff

Trustee – Mr. J. Todd Frossard
Trustee – Dr. Travis Haire

Trustee – Mr. Mike Harlowe
Trustee – Mr. Tony Hull
Trustee – Ms. Andrea Lightsey
Trustee – Ms. Katie Morgan
Trustee –  Mr. Nicholas Stein, Esq.
Trustee – Dr. Beth Keeney, President/CEO of LifeSpring, Ex Officio

The LifeSpring Foundation receives staff support from the following LifeSpring employees:

Ms. Dawn Bennett, Director of Fundraising
Ms. Liz Stafford, Assistant Vice President of Development
Ms. Carman Deatrick, Accounting Clerk

Through coordinating fundraising efforts and special events, we offer a variety of meaningful ways to impact the Foundation. Our primary fundraising includes direct donations, our Annual Fund, and events such as Trivia Night and our Boots & Bling Gala. Donations may also be made through our Gifts of Gratitude program where one makes a donation in honor of a LifeSpring caregiver, through planned giving, wills, and other activities throughout the year. Our events throughout the year also help us to increase awareness of behavioral health issues.

You can find more information on ways to give by clicking the button below.

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